Wake Me Up When Pinktober Ends

1397323_248023742017793_974520822_oEvery year in October, breast cancer awareness month, teams break from their color schemes and wear pink. Whether they wear a little or a lot, it usually looks terrible. Now, I’m not hear to say that raising cancer awareness is bad. I’m all for it. I just hate seeing teams ruin their look by adding pink. Most traditional schools stray from it, but teams like Oregon are not shy to mix it up.

The Ducks wore those pink helmets (above) last season. With their normal uniforms, they look hideous and out of place. I just thought it was an awful look. The “pinktober” uniforms they wore this year were much improved but still not too pretty. Creative? yes. True to the school? not even close. My advice for Oregon is the same every year: Stick to YOUR color scheme.

Oregon's 2014 Pinktober uniforms

Oregon’s 2014 Pinktober uniforms

Other teams that have worn pink on their uniforms:

New Mexico StateNew-Mexico-State1



Both of these uniforms look hideous. I can’t believe that the schools agreed to wear them. On Toledo’s, there are pink ribbons inside of the pink sections. It’s a really cool touch for a really bad uniform. North Carolina was unique in that they added pink accents to their field rather than their uniforms. I have no problem with this. I actually think it’s pretty cool.


As for most teams, they just stick to wearing pink accessories (socks, wristbands, hats, etc..) I think this can be a good look for some teams. It works well for Tennessee.


The NFL also takes October to break out the pink. Although no teams add it to their uniforms, the players aren’t shy in loading up on pink accessories.



Also, this logo is added to the playing fields during October:


Outside of football, various collegiate women’s teams wear pink. This is the one place where pink actually works and works well.



There seems to be more pink every year. With a little over week left in October, I wouldn’t be surprised to see some outrageous pink uniforms.

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